Monday, October 14, 2024

Dreaming of a Catalyst Christmas (Cracker)!


Our awkward little Xmas Xine returns! Submissions are open for Christmas-themed poetry contributions. 

The limited edition zine will be released just in time for Christmas in an openly cynical act of tinsel-tinged capitalism. The perfect gift for friends and enemies alike! Get amongst.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

It's Grand Slam time! Ōtautahi Poetry Slam 2024

 This week the top 10 from the preliminary heat come out swinging in the Grand Final at Space Academy.

Who will be the 2024 Ōtautahi Poetry Slam Champion?

With a line-up that includes former Slam Champs, runners-up and Slam veterans it's surely going to be a poetically fierce feast - what a treat! Join us for the spectacle and your door sales contribute to travel for our Champ to contest the NZ Poetry Slam in Tāmaki Makaurau-Auckland this November.

Ōtautahi Poetry Slam - Grand Final
Wednesday 25th September, 7pm
Space Academy, 371 St Asaph St
Door charge: $15

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Ōtautahi - Christchurch Poetry Slam - THE RULES



Here are the official rules of the Christchurch Poetry Slam as per the NZ Poetry Slam.

Sign-up is on the night only - places are limited so get there early. 
Please note: to be in the Grand Slam, poets must enter the Preliminary round and make it into the top 10.

Rules for NZ Poetry Slam
  • 3 minutes or less with no minimum time (10 second grace period before points deduction).
  • Time starts when poet speaks, however while poets can have time to settle and adjust microphone etc, this time is not limitless; ideally a poet should start before 10 seconds.
  • Original (i.e. your own) poems only.
  • No props no music no costumes (i.e. clothing related to the content of your poem).
  • In the case of a tie a slam-off will be required.
  • Random draw, for performance order.
Judging and scoring:

  • 5 Audience Judges (chosen by MC and/or organiser) display score cards 0-10 (Decimal points allowed).
  • Top and bottom scores drop off and total of remaining 3 scores is the total.
  • If Poet goes over grace period MC or Timekeeper to ask scorer to mark down points after the judges score… (Half a point penalty for every 10 seconds over time).
  • After 4 minutes the MC can shut down the poet.
  • 'Sacrificial Poet' (non-competing) to start the night, to help calibrate scores.
  • Slams are equally about writing, performance and audience response.
  • Slammers should have at least 3 poems, as there will be three rounds for the Regionals and NZ Slam.
As always, remember: the point is the poetry not the points!

Catalyst volume 21 launched!


The Republic of Oma Rāpeti Press is proud to announce the release of volume 21 of Catalyst, international literary arts journal.

Featuring stunning artwork from New Zealand artist Helen Taylor and feature sections from Poland and Bulgaria, this issue is dedicated to the 'bleeding hearts and the artists'.

The book was launched in the traditional Catalyst rowdy manner with guest writers and read-alongs, at the home of Catalyst's monthly open mic - Space Academy, on Wednesday 7th August. Available to purchase now via our Subscriptions tab above.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Aotearoa Indie publishing: Ngā Pukapuka Pekapeka


This is an exciting, rare opportunity for publication of chapbook/small collection sized bodies of work.

ngā pukapuka pekapeka is open for submissions. Aotearoa New Zealand resident writers only.

We are looking for work:

  • that pushes boundaries (content and/or form)
  • that is confident both on the page and on the stage

We are interested in short stories, poetry collections and novellas. We have a particular interest in writers from Te Waipounamu, tangata whenua, and emerging writers, though we are open to all writers living in New Zealand.

We are open to submissions of approximately 40 document pages (conventional submission formatting- double spaced, 12pt font). If yours is more or less than this, tell us why. We’re flexible if the length fits the form. If you are sending us a collection, give it a title. Submissions will be considered by our editorial collective as a whole.

Part of publication will involve readings and live events in Te Waipounamu, and our authors will need to be in, or able to travel to, Ōtautahi for these.

Submissions are due on 31 May.

Send your work to

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Catalyst presents: Poets on the Block - live at Block Party 2023


A Catalyst showcase!

Featuring: Melanie McKerchar, Ray Shipley, Andy Coyle, Doc Drumheller and Ciaran Fox.

Saturday 25th November, 2pm
The Arts Centre Market


Friday, October 20, 2023

Catalyst: Celebrating 20 years of indie publishing.

The Republic of Oma Rāpeti Press flag
Spewing literary lava since 2003.

The forthcoming NZ launch of Catalyst volume 20 marks twenty years of independent publishing for the literary arts journal based in Waitaha - Canterbury.

Founded in the extinct volcano of Lyttelton Harbour, Whakaraupo by editor Doc Drumheller with collaborator Ciaran Fox, the then new kid on the block of NZ literary journals started a poetry open mic and print journal in 2003. The project developed out of creative writing workshops facilitated by Doc Drumheller at underground arts venue, gallery and workspace, Creation. Participants dreamed up the name Catalyst as a signal that the new journal was aimed at shaking up the poetry publishing scene and opening space for young and emerging poets unable to access more established, literary or academic creative writing journals and publications and present them alongside renowned poets from Aotearoa and beyond. 

has always shown an interest in poetry fusions, experimental writing and forms, and particularly, other languages. The first ten years of Catalyst saw poetry presented in translation from half a dozen different languages and cultures. Since then, Doc has travelled to numerous countries presenting Catalyst and building an international friendship and reputation while bring home to Aotearoa feature sections of poetry from around the world. Volume 20 features poetry from China and Israel. 

The visual elements of Catalyst have also reflected an interest in design and art from the fringe. With a strong focus on Aotearoa artists both locally based and international, the journal always features a strong visual aesthetic and has occasionally included pageworks of poetic/design fusion on the front and back covers as well as internally.

In keeping with this experimental aesthetic, Catalyst also began publishing recordings of spoken word in collaboration with composers, sound artists and songwriters, produced by Jody Lloyd aka Trillion. Three volumes of spoken word/sonic collabs were released on CD. 


The interest in spoken word and performance was baked into the DNA of Catalyst as the open mic grew up alongside the journal. The first poetry slams in Christchurch were organised by the Catalyst crew at the Wunderbar in Lyttelton, eventually morphing into a slam show known as Poetry Idol. With the advent of the NZ Poetry Slam national competition, Catalyst continues to host the Ōtautahi Poetry Slam. Not content with introducing Christchurch to the entertainment potential of slam, Catalyst developed a new show for the Christchurch Writers Festival based on a mash-up of slam, improv and reality TV, known as Survivor: Poetry. 'Survivor' was staged in three successive WORD Christchurch festivals. Rumour has it, it may be down, but not out.

The first ten years saw Catalyst published under the imprint of Neoismist Press. With volume 10, Neoismist was retired and The Republic of Oma Rāpeti Press was born. The Press has its own flag and continues to establish a sovereign nation for poets and poetry. In 2014, it launched the first volume of an emerging poets series called Republic of Poets. The format presents longer selections from three feature poets. Volume 2 is a twinkle in the eye.

Scroll forward and Catalyst volume 20: Oma, oma, oma! was officially welcomed in the Mediterranean at the World Congress of Poets 2023. Doc Drumheller is now a member of the executive board of WCP and founding editor of official WCP international journal Fuego.

Catalyst literary arts journal volume 20 cover art by Claude Jones.

 Catalyst remains a proudly print-based journal and continues to showcase local and international writers to a global audience. The Republic of Oma Rāpeti Press continues to publish chapbooks (Catalyst Christmas Cracker) and in its own 10th anniversary, also released the first collection by co-founder Ciaran Fox titled They Crackle in the Rain which was shortlisted as an unpublished manuscript for the inaugural John O'Connor First Book Award in 2022.

They Crackle in the Rain. Poetry by Ciaran Fox, launching 25th October


Sunday, October 15, 2023

Dead Bird Books takes to the road in 2023


Having already released a swag of exciting new voices this year, Dead Bird Books are set to launch the new collection by founder, best-selling author and legendary performance poet Dominic Hoey in collaboration with designer Trudi Hewitt. What better way to celebrate than a road trip around the motu, bringing the new books to the people.

Accompanied by poets published by DBB in 2023, Isla Huia and Liam Jacobson, Dominic Hoey will be releasing his latest collection The Dead Are Always Laughing At Us in November 2023. Writes Hoey:

“Accessibility has shaped the way I write and perform. I’ve always resisted the idea that poetry should be a puzzle you need a 50k education to unlock. Early on I knew I wanted this to be the kind of poetry collection anyone could pick up and be drawn into immediately. With that in mind it was really important to add a visual element to the text.” 


The poems were mostly written during lock-down as a way to try and stay sane while the world lost its collective mind. The collaboration with a graphic designer means the book has a strongly visual, as well as verbal, aspect. Hewitt writes:

“I saw this project as an opportunity to experiment. To rethink the rules we set for consistency and to challenge typesetting conventions of literature and poetry. Ultimately I wanted to give each of Dominic’s poems their own sense of identity by playing with pace, space, size and tension. An awesome collaboration with a very talented friend.” 

The book is available for pre-sale now on Dead Bird Books website. Kicking off at the end of November, Dominic is bringing a road show of exciting talent to select venues in both North and South Islands. 

Isla Huia (Te Āti Haunui a-Pāpārangi, Uenuku) is a te reo Māori teacher, writer and musician. Her first book,Talia, was released by Dead Bird in May 2023.

Liam Jacobson (Kāi Tahu) is a poet, artist, maker (etc.) from Manurewa, South Auckland. They've shared poems in alleys, pubs and galleries across Aotearoa and overseas. Liam's debut poetry collection, Neither, was published by Dead Bird Books in September 2023.

Dominic Hoey is a poet and bestselling author.  Through his 'Learn To Write Good' writing course, Dominic has taught thousands of students how to think dyslexic. He also works with rangatahi with the Atawhai program, helping them with their mental health and self-esteem.

Tickets can be purchased via the Dead Bird Books website:

If you’d like a copy of the book or want to interview any of the poets email-